The photo shows the first class at the Quilt Studio showing off their handwork. Left to right, back row--Jan Willis, Mary DeLuzio, and Nancy Smith. Down front left: Kathy Bogue and right: Aloa Boyd. Bless them!
There they were, five gals with bright and shining faces, at 9 am, all eager to learn how to hand-piece the antique Pineapple pattern and to unravel the mysteries of the Folded English Log Cabin! Something about teaching on home turf made me twittery about this one. Would they like the room setting? Did I cut enough blue strips? Would I have enough thimbles in the right sizes?
To top it off, last night about 10 pm, as I was ironing fabric and cutting strips, I dumped my ages-old iron on its little wedge-shaped head and totally busted it. But this morning, knowing she was headed in for the class, I called for help and Mary DeLuzio brought her beautiful sleek Black and Decker Professional Iron with her and saved the day. Many thanks!
They learned to piece the antique Pineapple block in the morning and folks really concentrated as they learned how
not to cut off the points of their patches and how to guesstimate strip size. Long about 11, having gotten past the tricky bits, everyone realized the pattern was easy-peasy from then on and broke for lunch in a positive frame of mind. The afternoon flew by as they tackled the Folded Log Cabin, or as they call it on the Isle of Man, the
Rooftop quilt. They said the Log Cabin was easier than the Pineapple but the truth is the Pineapple is just the Log Cabin dressed-up! (I'd chosen the Pineapple for the morning since folks seem to be able to concentrate better in the am.) The afternoon project was a doddle. Then suddenly it was 4 pm, tea-time one person said, and class was done.
Note to self: buy a coffee maker for the studio, more extension cords, and a very large magnet to pull up pins from the carpet!